Joseph and Elijah Watkins

Joseph Watkins
January 16, 1797
united to Nancy Green 1820
May 16, 1864
Menard County, Illinois
Children of Joseph Watkins:
William Watkins Born 1821
Beverly Watkins Born 1823
Sarah Watkins Born 1825
Hannah Watkins Born 1826
Alvin Watkins Born 1829
Elias Watkins Born 1831
Anna Watkins Born 1833
Mariah Watkins Born 1835
Thomas Watkins Born 1837
Mary Watkins Born 1839
Samuel Watkins Born 1842

Elijah Watkins
July 22, 1797 Kentucky
united to Lydia Montgomery
April 29, 1816 Hardin County, Kentucky
August 30, 1882 Cass County, Illinois
Children of Elijah Watkins:
Alcy Watkins Born 1818
Lewis Watkins Born 1822
Willis W. Watkins Born 1825
Thomas Watkins Born 1827
Sarah Jane Watkins Born 1829
William Watkins Born 1831
John Watkins Born 1835
James Montgomery Watkins Born 1839

Though Joseph Watkins and Elijah Watkins are researched to be sons of Samuel Watkins and Mary McClure, available records offer evidence that Joseph Watkins had close ties to and may have been the son of Thomas Watkins of the 1800 Hardin County tax list. 
Joseph Watkins was born just seven months before Elijah Watkins

The grave markers for Joseph Watkins and Elijah Watkins can be viewed below:


A Beverly Watkins is enumerated in 1820 Washington County, Illinois born about 1788.  He is living near Thomas Watkins researched to be the son of Samuel Watkins and Mary McClure.  Later Joseph Watkins of this post has a son naming him Beverly born 1823.  Though researchers do not connect Beverly Watkins of the 1820 Washington County, Illinois census records to the Watkins of the 1800 Hardin County tax list, it seems he may be a son of Thomas Watkins listed then.  By 1810 the Thomas Watkins of the 1800 Hardin County, Kentucky tax list appears to have been deceased. 

An account of Beverly Watkins can be viewed below:

"Beverly WATKINS, from Kentucky, came to this settlement among the first. He was then a single man, and traded with the Indians. He afterwards married here, and settled on the west side of Sugar Creek, section 2. In 1816, he entered a tract of land in this section; was a successful trader and farmer, and accumulated property fast. At one time he was one of the wealthiest men in the county. He reared a large family, and lived to see them settled in comfortable circumstances."
In 1850 Beverly Watkins is listed as 62 years of age born in Virginia. (In 1788 The lands known now as Kentucky were still a part of Virginia) He is enumerated in Clinton County, Illinois living with wife Catherine age 68.  Researchers offer Beverly Watkins united to Catherine Roach about 1812. 
Available records prove that Watkins men were migrating to Illinois before 1810.  Including a petition to the Federal Government by Lewis Watkins in 1808 and1812.  Lewis Watkins, son of Samuel Watkins of the 1800 Hardin County tax list, would have been about 17 years old in 1808.  He was not listed on the 1810 Hardin County Federal census enumerating his parents. 

The sons researched to have been born to Samuel Watkins and Mary McClure include, John, William, James, Samuel, Thomas, Hankerson, Lewis, Warren, Joseph, Elijah, and Amos.
  James and John Watkins were listed in Grayson County, Kentucky in 1810, then removed to Indiana, later settling permanently in Illinois. William Watkins is listed in Hardin County, Kentucky in 1810 having married Mary Atterbury about 1805. Thomas and Lewis Watkins had migrated to Illinois some say before the War of 1812. Samuel, Elijah, Warren, and Amos are all four listed as household members of Samuel Watkins when enumerated in 1810.   It is not known what happens to Hankerson Watkins.  He has not been discovered on any census record.  It is also noteworthy to mention that 2 males under age 10 are listed in the household at that time that are undiscovered. 

Elijah Watkins is listed in Hart County, Kentucky in 1820.  The 1830 Federal Census record enumerating him has not been discovered. Elijah Watkins is enumerated on the 1840 Cass County, Illinois Federal Census where he lived out the rest of his life.

Joseph Watkins is listed in Madison County, Illinois in 1820 enumerated as living alone.  It appears he married about that time to Nancy Greene.  There is enough documentation to give doubt to the claim that Joseph Watkins was a son of Samuel Watkins and Mary McClure.  Research offers evidence he may have been the son of Thomas Watkins.   In 1830 Joseph is listed in Sangamon County, Illinois 30-39 years with 5 children under age 10 and a wife 20-29 years of age.  Menard County, Illinois was formed from Sangamon County and where Joseph Watkins remained the rest of his life. 

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